Anna's portfolio 

Anna Miret Ballarin

Bilingual Primary Education student.

Hello, my name is Anna and I am 19 years old. I am from Alcarras and in my free time I dance.
I study the second course of Bilingual Primary Education and I create the portfolio in the subject of Digital Technology.

I identify with many strengths and weaknesses. The strong points I have is my motivation to bring forward a job even if I don't like the topic at hand, I am a very sociable person and I think that is important in the future. I like the competition and take it all very calmly.

One of the weak points I have is that I have a hard time getting organized and doing things without haste. My level of angles is very low but this degree I take it as a challenge

In this portfolio we can find the all contents that I have learnt in this subject.

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