TASK 2: Figure race

The purpose of this video is that children work in a dynamic and fun way the sum and the positional number system. The theoretical content we will work on will be the sum by counting the children with the result of the two dice. Once the result is obtained, the child must go to the lane with the number corresponding to the result obtained from both dice and must move one square. In this way, the child will also practice the positional number system and can improve and facilitate its agility by adding and knowing the numerical order.

You can click on the image to see the video.

The types of this video are: process modelers, didactic/educational videos, monoconceptual video and video lessons, motivational lessons, video tutorials and activity analysis.

  • Process modelers - are didactic audovisual productions that show a process, with the intention of being easily learned or repeated.
  • Didactic/Educational videos - are audiovisual productions made for the purpose of being used for learning.
  • Monoconceptual videos - are short didactic audiovisual productions that explain a concept or process, with the intention of being understood.
  • Video lessons - are didactic audiovisual productions that explain a topic by developing all its sections in a systematic way.
  • Motivational lessons - are audiovisual productions that mainly aim to impact, capture attention and arouse interest in a specific topic.
  • Video tutorials - audiovisual explanation of a process or action.
  • Activity analysis - make recordings of physical activities, manipulation, art, ... to improve their execution based on the analysis of the video.

This evidence is related to the dimension 3 and her descriptors.

Dimension 3 - Interpersonal communication and collaboration.
This dimension is based on the...

"abilities to communicate and work collaboratively through loca networks and the internet, with the use of interpersonal communication tools and those that facilitate the performance of collaborative, face-to-face and distance work".

-3.1. Communication using digital technologies.
-3.2. Active participation in educational networks and digital platforms.
-3.3. Promotion of collaborative knowledge-building with digital resources.

All descriptors have their indicators...
-Point 3.1. is a basic indicator which is based on uses digital technologies to communicate with the students and to coordinate with other teachers.
-Point 3.2 is an intermediate indicator which is based on collaborates actively in educational networks in digital environments
-Point 3.3. is a basic indicator which is based on uses resources and digital media to work collaboratively with students and teachers.

Moreover, the information and communications technology (ICT) is the most important resource to realize the video and to share this learning. In this case, we use the ICT throught a video to explain point by point the steps and instructions to be followed to carry out the racing game.

To create the video we have used the wondershare filmora because it is very good application to add videos or images together with the voice. 

To sum up, I consider that explaining a game, a concept or anything by explaining a video with a visual support is the best method to learn autonomously and freely. In addition, if the video is well explained you can run it wherever you want, either at home or with your friends and share the learning.

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