TASK1 : Interdisciplinary project

The purpose of this interdisciplinary project was to apply Flipped Learning within different topics. The main focus was physical education with primary and some secondary emotions. In addition, this project is also linked to the natural sciences where we unite muscles, joints, bones, etc. with physical education. This project is divided in nine sessions and a final activity.

 If you want to take a look at our project, you can click on the image. Do not miss it!

This task is related to the dimension 1 and her descriptors.

Dimension 1--> Instruments and applications.

This dimension is based on the...

"Capacity of selection, use and evaluation of digital technologies as support in the definition and implementation of the teaching-learning process, both inside and outside the classroom, in order to optimise the planning and dynamic organisation of the experiences, the activities and the resources foreseen to guarantee the acquisition of learning and to facilitate the collaboration and deployment amongst the educational community".

-1.1. Use of digital technologies as a resource and strategy in teaching and learning processes.
-1.2. Selection of digital resources for the design of activities and lesson plans.
-1.3. Incorporation of digital technologies in coherence with the school's educational project and infrastructure.
-1.4. Integration of students' digital competence in the lesson plans.  
-1.5. Use of digital technologies to attend to student diversity.
-1.6. Use of digital technologies in the tracking and assessment of students.
-1.7. Development of innovative methodologies with the use of digital technologies.

All descriptors have their indicators...
-Point 1.1. is an intermediate indicator which is based on integrated use of digital technologies in teaching-learning activities.
-Point 1.2 is an intermediate indicator which is based on elaborate lesson plans based on previously selected digital resources.
-Point 1.3. is a basic indicator which is based on knows the school spaces where digital technologies are available and how they function.
-Point 1.4. is an intermediate indicator which is based on designs teaching-learning activities according to the document 'Core Competencies in the Digital Field". 
-Point 1.5. is a basic indicator which is based on uses digital technologies to increase motivation and facilitate learning of students with special needs.
-Point 1.6. is a basic indicator which is based on individually uses digital resources for mentoring and for tracking students' progress (meetings, attendance, evaluation, personal files...).
-Point 1.7. is an intermediate indicator which is based on takes part in educational innovative projects where digital technologies have an important role.   

The information and communications technology (ICT) is very important because in many of the sessions we use digital resources as a communication and learning resource.

To sum up, this interdisciplinary project has helped me to learn how to plan an educational project over a certain period of time that allows me to teach students two or three different topics at once and combining them, in a way that learners engage autonomously and cooperatively without the help of the teacher. 
Currently, many classes in primary education are already using flipped learning, but I think it is very necessary to apply this method in universities and in adult education as well to captivate the motivation and attention of students.

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