This voluntary task consist of reading and thinking with the three proposal activities which are using digital resources. In these activities we need to identify the corresponding indicators. Then, we have to relate all the indicators of the three activities to each other and see which ones match and which ones don't. The indicators that match means that part of the activity resembles, However, indicators that do not coincide mean that there are some differences between activities. Also, in these indicators you must explain how we will perform for the activity to work.

In this link we can see the different applications that we propose to do 3 activities with their corresponding indicators.

Then in this other we will observe the similarities and differences between the activities and how we're going to make the indicators work. 

Here I attach the podcast that we can find an audio describing the similarities and differences of the activities

This voluntary task is related to the dimension 1 and her descriptors.

Dimension 1--> Design, planning and didactic implementation

This dimension is based on the...

"Capacity of selection, use and evaluation of digital technologies as support in the definition and implementation of the teaching-learning process, both inside and outside the classroom, in order to optimise the planning and dynamic organisation of the experiences, the activities and the resources foreseen to guarantee the acquisition of learning and to facilitate the collaboration and deployment amongst the educational community".

-1.1. Use of digital technologies as a resource and strategy in teaching and learning processes.
-1.2. Selection of digital resources for the design of activities and lesson plans.
-1.4. Integration o students' digital competence in the lesson plans.
-1.5. Use of digital technologies to attend to student diversity.
-1.6. Use of digital technologies in the tracking and assessment of students.
-1.7. Development of innovative methodologies with the use of digital technologies.  

All descriptors have their indicators...
-Point 1.1. is a advanced indicator which is based on designs and develops activities and learning materials where students use digital technologies with methodologies that respond to the digital era.
-Point 1.2 is an advanced indicator which is based on evaluates the quality and the adequacy of the digital resources selected for the teaching-learning situation.
-Point 1.4. is a basic indicator which is based on designs teaching-learning activities that take into account the use of digital technologies  
-Point 1.5. is a basic indicator which is based on uses digital technologies to increase motivation and facilitate learning of students with special needs.
-Point 1.6. is a basic indicator which is based on individually uses digital resources for mentoring and for tracking students' progress (meetings, attendance, evaluation, personal files...).
-Point 1.7. is a advanced indicator which is based on leads projects in which the incorporation of strategies and innovative methodologies in the use of the digital technologies are present.  

The information and communications technology (ICT) is very important because of the strength it has to teach and communicate to students very complicated concepts to explain. The technology makes the students are motivated and can see the content as an interesting thing that is applied to them through a dynamic and fun application.

The first activity proposal uses the ARTIC which serves to learn the basic concepts of geometry which is very difficult to explain to children and is a way for children to visually see math and acquire infinite knowledge. The other application that is used is the TANGRAM that you can create geometric figures to adquerir a complete knowledge of what they have learned in the ARTIC. Then there are several applications that are used in the other proposed activities which serve to make questions, summaries, presentations, etc.

All applications are very good resources for educating students in an innovative way.

To sum up, I think that in this voluntary I have learned other useful digital resources for any field and also many to be able to evaluate and facilitate the task to the teachers. I think that it is a very dynamic, fun and useful way to learn what students need.

As a student I would very much like to have reached all these digital resources to complement the theoretical classes that were taught in the school and thus get better grades.

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