Conceptual map

This voluntary task consist of creating a conceptual map of the dimensions and their competences. It should also be taken into account in the conceptual map what they have to learn to be competent, how we can facilitate learning as a teacher, what kind of activities I can do for students, how to evaluate them...

It's important to highlight the importance of creating a conceptual map as it serves to organize and represent a knowledge about some learning. Through the conceptual map an external representation of the hierarchy and the relationship between concepts can be observed.

Here you can check my concept map about the Digital Competences

This task is related to the dimension 1 and her descriptors.

Dimension 1--> Instruments and applications.

This dimension is based on the...

"Capacity of selection, use and evaluation of digital technologies as support in the definition and implementation of the teaching-learning process, both inside and outside the classroom, in order to optimise the planning and dynamic organisation of the experiences, the activities and the resources foreseen to guarantee the acquisition of learning and to facilitate the collaboration and deployment amongst the educational community".

-1.1. Use of digital technologies as a resource and strategy in teaching and learning processes.
-1.2. Selection of digital resources for the design of activities and lesson plans.
-1.5. Use of digital technologies to attend to student diversity.
-1.6. Use of digital technologies in the tracking and assessment of students.
-1.7. Development of innovative methodologies with the use of digital technologies.  

All descriptors have their indicators...
-Point 1.1. is a basic indicator which is based on use of digital technologies in teaching-learning activities.
-Point 1.2 is an intermediate indicator which is based on elaborate lesson plans based on previously selected digital resources.
-Point 1.5. is a basic indicator which is based on uses digital technologies to increase motivation and facilitate learning of students with special needs.
-Point 1.6. is a basic indicator which is based on individually uses digital resources for mentoring and for tracking students' progress (meetings, attendance, evaluation, personal files...).
-Point 1.7. is a basic indicator which is based on know the educational innovative initiatives in the school which are related to digital technologies and takes them into account in his/her lesson plans.  

The information and communications technology (ICT) is important resource to create a map and to know and find the competences and dimensions. Moreover, the ICT allows us to think and justify the importance of competences and dimensions. Also, it uses to communicate with students or whoever. 
The application that I have used to create the concept map is Cmap tools which is an application that allows you to adapt all the content you want as you prefer with a lot of quality and visually very extreme. This application has helped me to schematic an extensive content and take the most important and concrete parts.

To sum up, from my point of view I think there are many resources and digital applications to teach a complicated topic and make them very dynamic and easier to understand. All these resources have not been considered for years and, at present, I believe that the educational system still does not have clear needs of children. Therefore, I believe that all these applications would have to be applied to achieve a more successful and complete education.

In the case of this conceptual map, it tries to explain the dimensions and competences, which I consider to be a complicated topic to explain, of a more schematic and orderly form.

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