Evidence 3: Mer

The purpose of this evidence is design and build a Multimedia Educational Resource (MER) for didactic. In other words, we have created a platform where there are a number of different activities related to a specific topic.

The subject we have chosen is vertebrate animals and within these there are five tipus of vertebrate animals. We have created an activity for each type and some joint activity.

All activities have a quite different methodology but come to the same end.

If you click on the image below you can see all the introduction and explanation of vertebrate animals and their activities.

This task is related to the dimension 1 and her descriptors.

Dimension 1--> Instruments and applications.

This dimension is based on the...

"Ability to use a variety of digital devices and their applications, efficiently and effectively, to process data (textual, digital and audiovisual) and produce text and multimedia documents, images, drawings, graphics, sounds and videos".

-1.1. Use of digital technologies as a resource and strategy in teaching and learning processes.
-1.2. Selection of digital resources for the design of activities and lesson plans.
-1.3. Incorporation of digital technologies in coherence with the school's educational project and infrastructure.
-1.4. Integration of students' digital competence in the lesson plans
-1.5. Use of digital technologies to attend to student diversity.
-1.6. Use of digital technologies in the tracking and assessment of students.
-1.7. Development of innovative methodologies with the use of digital technologies.

All descriptors have their indicators...
-Point 1.1. is an advanced indicator which is based on designs and develops activities and learning materials where students use digital technologies with methodologies that respond to the digital era.
-Point 1.2. is an intermediate indicator which is based on elaborate lesson plans based on previously selected digital resources.
-Point 1.3. is a basic indicator which is based on knows the school spaces where digital technologies are available and how they function.  
-Point 1.4. is an advanced indicator which is based coordinates the curricular deployment of the "Core Competencies in the Digital Field" .
-Point 1.5. is a intermediate indicator which is based on collaborates in the school's planning of the use of digital technologies to respond to special needs.
-Point 1.6. is a intermediate indicator which is based on uses and shares with other teachers in the school, digital resources to carry out the evaluation and progress tracking of students.
-Point 1.7. is an advanced indicator which is based on leads projects in which the incorporation of strategies and innovative methodologies in the use of the digital technologies are present.

In addition, the information and communications technology (ICT) is essential to be able to create and design this platform. Without these digital resources it would have been impossible for us to carry out this evidence.

The applications we have used to create the powerpoint have been Genially which is very useful and quick to create them. The other application we used to create the platform was Classflow. At first we did not know very well how it worked, we eliminated the activities without knowing because but little we were learning until we created an incredible series of activities.

To sum up, this evidence has made me reflect on the importance and the work that the creation of an application has. Behind the design of this application there is a lot of effort so that children can have an education in relation to their needs.
I am very happy with the result of this evidence because we thought it would be very hard and boring but it was really fun to do it together, and know that in the future as teachers we can use it.

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