Universal design for learning (UDL)

The purpose of this task is to teach an approach to education that gives all students the same opportunity to succeed. In other words, the universal design for learning shows us how to teach with a variety of methods that suit the needs of students.

In this activity you had to watch the video and it was stopping and asked you questions in questionary format which you had to answer according to what you had seen in the video.

Here, we can observe a screenshort which demonstrates the visualization and corrected answers of the questions.

This evidence is related to the dimension 5 and her descriptors.

Dimension 5--> Professional development.

"Reflective practice on teachers' professional activity in relation to the educational challenges posed by today's society. Involvement in virtual educational environments where their digital identity shows up, and where teacher provides and shares professional and educational resources on a permanent basis".

-5.1. Configuration of one's own professional digital identity.
-5.2. Reflective practice on professional activity related to digital technologies.
-5.3. Incorporation of teacher innovations based on digital technologies.
-5.4. Participation in educational research related to digital technologies.
-5.5. Creation and dissemination of content and educational resources in digital format.
-5.6. Participation in virtual learning communities for digital continuous professional development.
-5.7. Participation in professional development activities in the field of digital competence.

All descriptors have their indicators...
-Point 5.1.  is a basic indicator which is based on uses professional digital identification in a usual way in his/her communications and in profile updates in the school's virtual platforms.
-Point 5.2. is a basic indicator which is based on uses online platforms with the goal of sharing knowledge and experiences.
-Point 5.3. is an intermediate indicator which is based on participates in research on the educational uses of digital technologies.
-Point 5.4. is a basic indicator which is based on informed on the progress of research on the educational impact of digital technologies.
-Point 5.5. is an intermediate indicator which is based on produces multimedia content for use in the classroom in different teaching-learning situations.
-Point 5.6. is an advanced indicator which is based on fosters learning in networks among members of the educational community, both from within and outside of the school.
-Point 5.7.  is a basic indicator which is based on participates in training activities related to digital technologies.  

About the information and communications technology (ICT), in this evidence the Edpuzze is used an application where you can combine videos in movements and questions about the video. This application is great to highlight the importance of some parts of the video and clarify them with multiple choice questions.

To sum up, this app has helped me to have more resources and methods when teaching a class. It has also made me see the importance of treating all students equally and giving the best teacher to all of them equally so that they can succeed and we can adapt their needs.
Personally, when I was younger most teachers had their favorite students, the students who already knew they weren't going to take the course, the ones who were considered class leaders were treated with more respect and many more examples. Currently, it may have improved in that respect but it is very important to have a teacher who gives the best of him and who does everything to make the student reach the maximum success.  If this is not fulfilled, the student's motivation will diminish and will make him lose the importance of education.

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