Digital resources for assessment

The purpose of this voluntary task is develop the proposal for the evaluation of a school activity using digital resources.
The activity gave you 3 different situations which you had to choose one of them and design an activity with an application and create an evaluation with digital resources. I have chosen the first situation which is based on organize the students in your class group into teams of 3 to conduct an environmental awareness project during the second term.

The activity will consist of two parts, a small theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part we will introduce the 5 basic resources to bring them closer to the environment.

Next, the application he chose to understand the theoretical part is "defender of nature".

If you want to take a look, just click on the image below:

This task is related to the dimension 1 and her descriptors.

Dimension 1--> Instruments and applications.

This dimension is based on the...

"Ability to use a variety of digital devices and their applications, efficiently and effectively, to process data (textual, digital and audiovisual) and produce text and multimedia documents, images, drawings, graphics, sounds and videos".

-1.1. Use of digital technologies as a resource and strategy in teaching and learning processes.
-1.2. Selection of digital resources for the design of activities and lesson plans.
-1.3. Incorporation of digital technologies in coherence with the school's educational project and infrastructure.
-1.4. Integration of students' digital competence in the lesson plans
-1.5. Use of digital technologies to attend to student diversity.
-1.6. Use of digital technologies in the tracking and assessment of students.
-1.7. Development of innovative methodologies with the use of digital technologies.

All descriptors have their indicators...
-Point 1.1. is an intermediate indicator which is based on integrated use of the digital technologies in teaching-learning activities designs and develops activities.
-Point 1.2. is an advanced indicator which is based on evaluates the quality and the adequacy of the digital resources selected for the teaching-learning situation.
-Point 1.3. is a basic indicator which is based on knows the school spaces where digital technologies are available and how they function.
-Point 1.4. is an intermediate indicator which is based on designs teaching-learning activities according to the document 'Core Competencies in the Digital Field".
-Point 1.5. is an intermediate indicator which is based on collaborates in the school's planning of the use of digital technologies to respond to special needs.
-Point 1.6. is an intermediate indicator which is based on uses and shares with other teachers in the school, digital resources to carry out the evaluation and progress tracking of students.
-Point 1.7. is a basic indicator which is based on knows the educational innovative initiatives in the school which are related to digital technologies and takes them into account in his/her lesson plans.

In addition, the information and communications technology (ICT) is essential to be able to create and design the activity and the evaluation, Without these digital resources it would have been impossible for us to carry out this evidence.

The applications we have used to create the powerpoint have been Genially which is very useful and quick to create them. The applications that I have used for students to do the assessment have been the kahoot and quizziz. The first one I will use it to talk about the evaluation of the first theoretical part and the second I will use it to talk about the evaluation of the practical part. The two applications are about questions and answers which are very visual as they are formed of many colors and images that you can put. Thus, the creativity and motivation of students is encouraged.

To sum up, this activity has helped me to see the importance of an evaluation when doing an activity.

As a personal experience, I am a CAU teacher, a group escort that does activities for young people and infants, and every time we finish the activity created we have to make an assessment to see which points we should improve or not, It makes us very lazy because it is a part that we never give it importance, but since we have a guide on how to do it, it becomes more dynamic. This experience is related to the use of ICT because when the evaluation has a support to make it more dynamic, you want to do it more.

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