Evidence 2: Critical incident.

The purpose of this evidence is the analysis about a case of cyberbullying. This case is based about a boy named Eric whose parents put a lot of pressure on him to study but he is unsuccessful. When students see that, they send him threatening messages and make fun of him until they reach the point of exceeding himself and having to act so that he doesn't go any further.

From this case, my role is to identify the different types of cyberbulling and prepare a proposal to act on this case.

This is where the family and school relationship is established because the family finds it very necessary to look for explanations of why they do that to their child, and the school needs to know what is going on with the students to harass Eric in this way.

In this evidence, we can emphasize the differents forms to suffer cyberbulling and the consequences for the child who is suffering and his or her environment who loves him or her.

Here, we can observe the questions to facilitate the analysis of the case. 

Then, if you click in the image you can see my proposal about the Eric's case.

The evidence we can relate with the dimension 4 and her descriptors.
Dimension 4 - Habits, citizenship and digital identity.

This dimension is based on...

 "It is specified in the form of two competencies that have an attitudinal and transversal character, related to the other three dimensions of digital competencies".

4.1. Protection of fundamental rights to personal privacy and online digital identity in the use of digital technologies.
4.2. Responsible, safe and healthy use of digital technologies.
4.3. Promotion of the acces to resources while respecting intellectual property rights.
4.4. Promotion  of digital inclusion.

All descriptors have their indicators...
Point 4.1. is a basic indicator which is based on carries out educational activities with students in order to promote respect, privacy and online digital identity in the use of digital technologies.
Point 4.2. is a basic indicator which is based on carries out educational activities with students to promote healthy, safe and responsible use of digital technologies.
Point 4.3. is an intermediate which is based on promotes respect for intellectual property in the use of digital technlogies when doing activities with the students.
Point 4.4. is a basic indicator which is based on promotes access to and the use of digital technologies for all students with the intention of compensating differentiation.

The indicators and the descriptors are the tasks that the teachers have to carry out to control the harassment in the social media. In this evidence, Eric suffers cyberbullyng and all this happens on the street, at school and at home. The task of the school is prevent and explain the importance to use social media to harass a child. Also, they must take into account Eric's privacy and rights and how use the technology correctly..

The information and communications technology (ICT) is the main theme of this evidence. It all develops from harassment through social media. That's why the school needs to be aware and make students aware of how to use the networks and the rules of security and privacy.

The students are not aware of what they can provoke by spreading mockery or insults to someone else. In addition, many people support them and get involved in the case of cyberbullying with the creation of more insults.
Many children have come to change schools, friends, homes, after-school activities, and not only that, but they have also tried to commit suicide. Digital resources are very important to educate and to facilitate learning, but we always have to make students aware of a principle in order to avoid these harassment.

In this case, I have used two different applications to make a more creative and agile analysis. To answer the questions about Eric's analysis, I wanted to create a videoscribe but the computer didn't work very well and I decided to take screenshots because I thought it was very creative. Finally to explain my proposal as a teacher to solve the harassment of Eric I used Prezzi with different images that represent my proposal with my background explaining. I think it is the most visual and understanding way to be able to explain it some day to my students in the future and make them aware of what can happen.

To sum up, in my point of view I believe that the system education must be more stricter about using social media and what it takes to use it. I also think it is very important to teach the safety standards of small goods to prevent harm to others.

As my own experience, when I was a child I saw a lot of harassment of other children and I often acted as an observer because I did not know how to act. As you get older you realize how important it would have been to get a little bit involved in harassment and act to try to stop. Otherwise, sometimes, without realizing it, I would also make comments to another person unconsciously and without thinking about the harm it could do to the other person. Most of the harassment was due to the physique of the person, to the color of the skin, to wearing glasses, to being more intelligent than others, to being the teacher's favorite. Sometimes I was also insulted by my physique but I knew how to defend myself and had my friends who did too. Therefore, it is very important to support the children who suffer such harassment so that they do not feel alone and see that they have someone who supports them and does not discriminate against them. That helps a lot.

This evidence has made me remember the past and appreciate the importance it has, but it has also made me think about how I can act as a teacher, whether I will do it well or not, whether I can solve the situation... I honestly see that you don't realize what's going on until you get in your shoes and I think it's a very difficult task as a teacher.

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