A-2 target

This voluntary assessment has the individual objective of making us think about how we feel situated in each of the five dimensions at this time and whether we could evolve into the dimensions in the future as a teacher.

Moreover, digital competences are the ability to perform a task in any specific context, it is a combination of knowledge, attitudes and skills that must be fulfilled in a given situation. These digital skills are increasingly important as they are linked to the updating of society, both personally and professionally. Technology is advancing and education without digital resources lowers the level.

In addition, it also defines and explains each dimension, and our justification of how we feel serves to better understand them.

If you want to see my reflection on competences as a teacher, click on the image.

The evidence we can relate with all dimensions.

Dimension 1--> Instruments and applications.

This dimension is based on the...

"Capacity of selection, use and evaluation of digital technologies as support in the definition and implementation of the teaching-learning process, both inside and outside the classroom, in order to optimise the planning and dynamic organisation of the experiences, the activities and the resources foreseen to guarantee the acquisition of learning and to facilitate the collaboration and deployment amongst the educational community".

Dimension 2--> Information processing and organization of work and learning environments.

This dimension is based on the...

"Skills related to the search and selection of information (on the Internet and local networks), its cognitive processing to transform it into knowledge and the organization of personal digital work and learning environments where we store the information we use or produce".

Dimension 3 - Interpersonal communication and collaboration.

This dimension is based on the...

"Abilities to communicate and work collaboratively through loca networks and the internet, with the use of interpersonal communication tools and those that facilitate the performance of collaborative, face-to-face and distance work".

Dimension 4 - Habits, citizenship and digital identity.
This dimension is based on...

"It is specified in the form of two competencies that have an attitudinal and transversal character, related to the other three dimensions of digital competencies".

The target A-2 has made me reflect on all the concepts that I must take into account when educating. I must also make a change of mindset as we have all studied with few technological resources, traditional education, and we have not realized the importance of digital resources in today's society. Society is evolving and we have to adapt to what we will have in order to achieve the greatest educational success.

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